IES Navarro Villoslada in Pamplona
A game board of sustainable strategies for education centres
An innovative sustainability strategy is proposed that takes advantage of the specific possibilities presented by schools as an educational community open to its environment.
The scale is the urban cell of the school and its large courtyard and its connection with the environment up to the neighborhood scale, incorporating themes such as energy and local energy communities, participation and collaboration between the school and the neighborhood, and others related to the closing of cycles.
The strategy is implemented in three main blocks or scales: ecological transition, spatial transformation of the school and educational innovation in sustainability.
The themes included in the different scales are transversal to these and can be summarised as: green mobility, renaturalisation, water strategy and closing cycles, energy strategy - reducing consumption with bioclimatic strategies, obtaining energy from sustainable resources and creating a local energy community that can share energy with the outside world - and the involvement and dissemination by the entire educational community, including pupils, collaborating with other nearby schools and the neighborhood.
It is a game board that has been appropriated by the educational community and now has a new version updated by them, in an urban dialogue. A catalogue at different scales designed to be applicable to a wide range of economic possibilities and structural conditions of the institutions.
strategy, sustainability, schools, ecological transformation
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Directora: | María A. Leboreiro Amaro, Dra. Arquitecta |
Secretario de dirección: | Alberto Leboreiro Amaro, Dr. Arquitecto |
Secretario de redacción: | David Hidalgo Pérez, Arquitecto |
Consejo de redacción: |
Miquel Adriá, director de la revista Arquine Carmen Andrés Mateo, Arquitecta José Mª Ezquiaga Domínguez, Dr. Arquitecto. Profesor Titular de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Madrid José Fariña Tojo, Dr. Arquitecto. Catedrático Emérito de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Madrid Fernando Fernández Alonso, Arquitecto Josep Mª Llop Torné, Arquitecto. Profesor en la Facultad de Geografía de la Universidad de Lleida Llanos Masiá González, Arquitecta Javier Ruiz Sánchez, Dr. Arquitecto. Catedrático de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Madrid |
Edita: |
planur-e Vergara, 12 4ºB Centro 28013 Madrid |
Traducción: | planur-e |
ISSN: | 2340-8235 |
Copyright: | (2013): planur-e |
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